

Since you're reading my blog, you have to follow ma rules:
1. Foul words? NO
2. Spams? NO
3. Proper English? OF COURSE YES
5. Use my Blog to insult the others? ONLY ALDIOUS CAN DO
6. Stupid sign like >.< T.T? YES
7. Shortforms? NO, ONLY LOL IS ALLOWED
8. And please say that Nickelback is cool.
You will NOT receive punishment by breaking those rules!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


March exam is coming!!! OH MY GOD

Friday, February 18, 2011

Summer wind blows, only little spring is left in the air

Summer wind blows, only little spring is left in the air...
People start to forget me,
Though they said before we part,
That they'd remember me, never forget me,
I guess this is life,
Time pases,
Time erases, memories became ruins,
Forgotten and forsaken.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Chinese New Year 2

I got lots of red packet for Chinese New Year. =D Nice?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Had a Chinese New Year Eve feast today. =D Super yummy. Memang kenyang larh!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


First day of February!!! I didn't even realize that it's February now, time passes so quick. =D

Fret not! At least I didn't waste my January. =D January was fun, I sometimes wish that I can turn back time to great moments, but you never know what future holds. So we must keep living on. =D

List of great things I've done in January:
  • Enter Victoria Institution.
  • Gave a speech on the second day of school.
  • Meeting new friends like Shawn, Vickram, Benjamin, Syed Irfan, Firdaus, Sarvin and much much more. (actually you don't have to know them, just to recall my list of new friends.)
  • Joining the red crescent. (rag like hell.)
  • Punched a Form 1 guy, but still he punched me back. So fair and square, not a bully. =D (He picked  a fight, he insulted Red Crescent and me.) P.S.: He weights 70kg which he has a bigger size.
  • Brought a new member to Red Crescent. Quite easy to convince him. =D
Maybe it's great to do a list like this for every end of the month. =D Don't you think?