

Since you're reading my blog, you have to follow ma rules:
1. Foul words? NO
2. Spams? NO
3. Proper English? OF COURSE YES
5. Use my Blog to insult the others? ONLY ALDIOUS CAN DO
6. Stupid sign like >.< T.T? YES
7. Shortforms? NO, ONLY LOL IS ALLOWED
8. And please say that Nickelback is cool.
You will NOT receive punishment by breaking those rules!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

I am so lazy.

I didn't want to lie, but I know this is a lie.

I'm lazy, yes I admit.

Duh! Don't ask why... ...or what.

It's just that I am lazy.

I wanna sing The Lazy Song.

But I dislike Bruno Mars.

This is becoming out-of-topic.

I'm closing this down.

-end of topic-

Friday, April 29, 2011

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Book Fare at PWTC

I went to a International Book Fare today. Only we VILB (Victoria Institution Librarian Board) get to go. Tehehe. =D

It's "International" Book Fare doesn't seem so international to me. It's Malay book to English book's ratio is like 50:1. What the hell?

Oh, I forgot to tell you that it was and is held at PWTC (Putra World Trade Center).

Actually I don't know what is the purpose I went to the book fare. I feel like going to a food fare. I spent 11 bucks on food and only 3 and a half bucks on book. I bought a History workbook, that's all. Face the truth, my History is bad.

What's best about the book fare is it is held during school hours. I think I skipped more than 6 classes today. VILB FTW!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

To: Nini

Nini, I know how you feel. Not that only girls are fragile, we boys are fragile too.

"A human is only perfect when they have emotion."

It is common that sometimes we are down. Buckle up man! The Nini I see now is not the Nini I knew. =D

You still have a long run to go, you still have a long battle to fight. =D

I will always be here to support you. I'll be your "solid ground" if you don't mind.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Oh my god! Oh my god! I forgot about almost everything.
I always said that recently is boring but actually A LOT 
happened, damn I'm so sorry.

Including my exams result and stuff.
Here's my exam result by the way:
Wait, it's too long, I don't feel like
putting it... ...
-unknown error encountered-
But I don't mind announcing my ranking.
Class (1M): Second (FFFFUUUU)
Whole Form One: Fifteenth (FFFFFFFUUUUUUU)
Hey, I'm in an cluster school,
I made a lot of shit mistakes in my BM paper.
So... ... I'll do better next time!
HELL YEAH Semangat 6M-er!!!

I also forgot to tell you guys about the Kem Perdana 2,
or did I? Duh, that's not important. You mind if I say it again?
... ... ... ... ... ...-silence-... ... ... ... ... ...
I'll take silence as a 'No' alright?
... ... ... ... ...-more silence-... ... ... ... ...
Alright, settled then. Kem Perdana 2 starts from April 29th,
and ends on May 1st. It's a three days two nights camp.
I actually wanted to go because I've practiced marching for so long,
but I'm afraid that MYSTERIOUS THING
will happen again... ...

Well, actually that's all I wanna talk about.
Will keep you updated,


Friday, April 22, 2011

First song to be put in my blog.

Runaway by Drury Graham a.k.a. Da Graham Craka.

Disclaimer: I didn't make that song.

Music Can't Be Computerized

The reason I didn't put any playlist in my blog is because listening musics from internet will just ruin your interest for music. They have been compressed, so that it would be easier to be transported. Once they are compressed, different music (instrument) will be crammed into one. And it's no longer music, it's just shit.

If you want music, just play your own. =D

Thursday, April 21, 2011

pre-Kem Perdana 2 (1)

We made a sketch today for the second Kem Perdana. (April 29th) It was funny like hell, everybody is nervous to act in front of the seniors. The sketch's title is "Bully". (has been the same, we've been using it like on all of our sketch) We made the "frame" of the story, but we didn't have enough time to complete the whole dialogue. (dammit seniors be more patient) So we made the story en route, you know. We added new dialogues and changed the storyline as we present it to the seniors. I hope we will be readied by this weekend. 

-will keep you updated-

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Kem Perdana 1.

I just came back from Kem Perdana 1. Yes, it's a school camp. Don't ask why did I participate. That is just some minor stuff, the real thing is we won. VIRCS WON!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Nothing to say.

It's so boring recently, except for the fact that I became the Form One Committee of VILB. (Victoria Institution Librarian Boy) There's nothing much I could say.


Sunday, March 27, 2011


This picture describe almost everything in our life.

Disclaimer: I do not own any part of this picture or whatsoever related to it.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

People Just Won't Get Enough

Alright there is only "male" and "female" in this planet. I don't get it, they try so hard to change it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I wanna play that song.

I wanna become a successful pianist when I grow up. (not that it's my carrier, I just wanna be a professional) I wanna be known for my superb piano skills. I wanna perform that song, one of the most epic song I've ever known in my life. My school anthem. That song was only taught to people that are chosen to play it. I wanna play the school anthem during every Monday morning in the "perhimpunan". Because I'm a Victorian.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

School reopen.

School reopens tomorrow, I didn't want to tell myself that. But it's just too real, I can't help thinking about it. But I can meet with my "fwiends" again. (not that "fwiends" and "friends" are different, it will be explained later)*

But school is damn tiring! (Ugh! Again with the "school is damn tiring" thingy) I know right, I don't wanna say it the third time. Don't you actually think time travels way too fast??

P.S: * - Fwiend - First stage of being my friend. Friend - Passed the first stage and became my friend. It's just that easy.

P.S.S.: Those are my definition, they're not from the dictionary.


Alrighty, I changed my font the "Rock Salt", since "Rock Salt" font seems to be bigger. (I didn't mention it being easier to read)

But I still can't find a way to change my post's font. Can somebody help me?

"Rock Salt" and "Courier" doesn't match at all.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Number One Boring Holiday

I don't know what to do during this holiday. It's boring~~~ So many thing happened during this holiday. Japan 8.9 earthquake, then tsunami, then nuclear reactors in Japan got blew up.  I saw Nini's blog, damn jealous. I wish I have some friends to go out with. *sigh*

What should I do? Send in your suggestions please.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Most of my result came out. See it for yourself.

Science: 94%
Mathematics: 96%
Civic: 86%
Moral: 62% (hey, it's the highest in whole form 1 man!)
Malay: 68%
Told you, I did study! HAH! >:D

What I'm expecting is English, History, and Geography. They're hard. =D

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

So intense!

Oh my god! It's double rainbow! Double rainbow! So intense!

Yes, it's intense. Marching competition is coming! It falls on 10th of April. Yeah I know, it is close. In fact, very close. Training are harsh-er than ever. I almost overstretched my muscle today. But for Red Crescent, this is nothing. =D Red Crescent didn't won the marching competition last year, but we 2011 batch will boost up Red Crescent and beat KRS to crap!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Oh my god, double rainbow.

Maybe It's Time For You to See D.R.!

I changed "See Da Face" to "Double Rainbow". Double rainbow is a very rare natural phenomenon. It's more rare than a aurora. Actually that was only a guess. Duh! Who cares.

Studying in boy school.

I'm studying in a boy school now. Come and think of it. Whenever I imagine a girl same age as me standing before me, I don't know how to talk to her. 


But for a better future, it can be endured. =D 

Can it?

Actually I don't know.


Paradox eh?

I'll bear with it.

But it's only 3 months. Can I stand it for another 57 months?

Who cares! Just live with it and I will get used to it.

Exams, DUH! 3

Exams, DUH!
My exam results turn out to be better than I have expected. GAHA! You may think that I'm lucky, but no. I really studied for this exam. =D I'm a hard working man now. Never underestimate the limitless Xiang-Yang. =D

My name says facing toward the sun, I am the sun. I stand above the sky. My light will pierce through every darkness.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Exams, DUH! 2

Exams, duh! I got 88 in Science! Nah, that's pretty bad. My eyes kind of "slipped". It was all careless mistakes. Fine, laugh at me. I'll show you the true colour of Victorians!

"Be yet wiser."

Exams, DUH!

Lol, sorry Hanini, for not reading your blog these days. I was busy preparing for my exam. I know I told you this in MSN, but blog seems to be a better place to say it. AHAHA, I'm still a little bit naive. =D

"Be yet wiser."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


March exam is coming!!! OH MY GOD

Friday, February 18, 2011

Summer wind blows, only little spring is left in the air

Summer wind blows, only little spring is left in the air...
People start to forget me,
Though they said before we part,
That they'd remember me, never forget me,
I guess this is life,
Time pases,
Time erases, memories became ruins,
Forgotten and forsaken.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Chinese New Year 2

I got lots of red packet for Chinese New Year. =D Nice?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Had a Chinese New Year Eve feast today. =D Super yummy. Memang kenyang larh!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


First day of February!!! I didn't even realize that it's February now, time passes so quick. =D

Fret not! At least I didn't waste my January. =D January was fun, I sometimes wish that I can turn back time to great moments, but you never know what future holds. So we must keep living on. =D

List of great things I've done in January:
  • Enter Victoria Institution.
  • Gave a speech on the second day of school.
  • Meeting new friends like Shawn, Vickram, Benjamin, Syed Irfan, Firdaus, Sarvin and much much more. (actually you don't have to know them, just to recall my list of new friends.)
  • Joining the red crescent. (rag like hell.)
  • Punched a Form 1 guy, but still he punched me back. So fair and square, not a bully. =D (He picked  a fight, he insulted Red Crescent and me.) P.S.: He weights 70kg which he has a bigger size.
  • Brought a new member to Red Crescent. Quite easy to convince him. =D
Maybe it's great to do a list like this for every end of the month. =D Don't you think?

Monday, January 31, 2011


ARGH!!! Fever!!! NOOO!!! THE PAIN!!! Yeah, it's quite common, I've got fever!!! YEAH!!! Wait, it's not something to be happy about right? Well, who cares. I haven't go to a doctor yet, haven't measure the temperature yet, but I don't need to do those. =D I'm a man, only sissies need that.

"Fever maketh a man."

Thank you. =D

Hanini, thank you for not forsaking your blog. You're an awesome blogger. =D Fwiends?

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Lee Chong Wei, you lost... But never mind. For a sportsman never blame himself for not winning, but not trying to win. I will always support you!



Friday, January 28, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Feel Like a Man

Marched under the rain,
we did.
Raising our knee,
Straight from our waist,
Under the rain we did.
Now that is a man.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

About MapleStorySEA

Will Big Bang actually come to MapleStorySEA? I hope so...

The Road Goes Ever On and On by J.R.R. Tolkien

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began
Now far ahead the Road has gone
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.

It's been one of my favourite song since last year.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Solo project.

Currently working on a project. I will keep you guys informed about the project. It's still in...shaping progress.

2nd week.

It's my second week in Victoria, I'm starting to adapt. You know, ain't easy to get use to a whole new environment.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011