2011 HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since you're reading my blog, you have to follow ma rules:
1. Foul words? NO
2. Spams? NO
3. Proper English? OF COURSE YES
5. Use my Blog to insult the others? ONLY ALDIOUS CAN DO
6. Stupid sign like >.< T.T? YES
7. Shortforms? NO, ONLY LOL IS ALLOWED
8. And please say that Nickelback is cool.
You will NOT receive punishment by breaking those rules!
1. Foul words? NO
2. Spams? NO
3. Proper English? OF COURSE YES
5. Use my Blog to insult the others? ONLY ALDIOUS CAN DO
6. Stupid sign like >.< T.T? YES
7. Shortforms? NO, ONLY LOL IS ALLOWED
8. And please say that Nickelback is cool.
You will NOT receive punishment by breaking those rules!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
My personal contact information.
Just in case you need to find me.
MSN: draconian81@hotmail.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Aldious
Twitter: AldiousAce
Skype: aldious.ace / aldiousace@hotmail.com / Aldious Ace
Friday, December 24, 2010
Kongregate - Toss The Turtle
A very great game in http://www.kongregate.com You should really try.
"Use cannons, jet packs and bombs to launch the turtle as far as possible! Earn money and buy better weapons to go farther."
NO!!! Maple Big Bang has already been released in multiple Maple Story but not S.E.A.!!! That's not fair, we're gonna wait like months for that.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The Departed
Woah! Just finished a movie named "The Departed". Directed by Martin Scorsese (the director of Shutter Island), starring Leonardo D'Caprio! A very nice movie indeed.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Going to Cameron Highland tomorrow! Woohoo! My first time, you know? Yeah!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Artist required
I need an artist to draw the "See Da Face" picture for me. My drawing is bad.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Really really missed you.
It's been one month since I've graduated. But I still miss my old school. I know I'm gonna leave it, but missing won't hurt right?
But it kinda does. >_< *sigh*
What should I do now? I don't have 6Merz beside me to joke with like it used to be. Before I graduate, I want holidays to last forever. Now that holiday really came, I feel like I want school days to last forever!
Nah, humans are like that, super greedy. lol No offence eh?
Monday, December 13, 2010
Lol! I really have to take back my words. I returned to Kingdom of Camelot, in Caval50. Can find me there, I'm in Asgard!
Hail Asgard!
Here's a nice picture.
Breaking 100k barrier ain't easy! |
Friday, November 19, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I graduated from primary school today, what a sad yet, yet, proud day. I feel like crying, more pictures comin' up!!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Makes me cry.
Argh!! So hard to put down Kingdom of Camelot. I've been playing that game since last year, and changed server hundred times. It's a very great game, it's the only thing that kept me using Facebook frequently, LOL. But still, I want to, I ought to give up on it, 'cuz I can't concentrate on multiple games on one time. So, Kingdom of Camelot fans, no offence.
Monday, November 15, 2010
I got 7 As in UPSR (Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah), which is straight A. I was quite surprised too. I thought I was just lucky. But come on, if I'm that lucky I would have hit thousands of jackpot already.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
I'm married to my Blog! xD Actually something went wrong with the gadget, nah, but nevermind. Sounds cool, married to a Blog. xD
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Full remodel
I totally remodeled my blog, fonts and colours. Hope you liked it.
1k achievement
Finally, the stat hitted 1 thousand. Yeah! I know it's just a small number, but 1,000 is just a start!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Boring days
Quite boring these days, don't know what to write. In order to keep my Blogging spirit alive, I have decided to write something 'bout my next few month's plan. Maybe I'll be going to Macau, a small state that is located near Hong Kong. Well that's a MAYBE, and I want to keep it a MAYBE. Still so excited. >,< xD I've been to Macau before, but I only visited it's famous place, the...Ruin of St.Paul's. Not going to casinos though, have load around me. LOL So that's all about it. Peace V_ MAYBE!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Maple Story - BIG BANG
I was muddling in the google images...and look what I found! Some weird pics 'bout new Maple Story jobs. o.0
I think it was called "Battle Mage", that's what the results write. I don't know when it's going to be released in MapleSEA, or it is meant to be released in MapleSEA. Some pics, =D
I don't know Korean. xD
Looks quite cool to me, like Genesis.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
New Stuff
Now I added stats...can't even reach 1 thousand...=.= Sucked.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Maple Story Dual Blade
As you see, Maple Story released another class: The Dual Blade. Actually the Dual Blade is an expansion "pack" of the Explorer class Theif. Waht's so special about Dual Blade is that the Dual Blade uses two blades instead of 1, and the skills are pretty cool. When will it be released in MapleSEA? Who knows...expecting it. =D
Here is some pictures:

A Dual Blade hunting.
This is how it looks like in Maple Korea.
They're coming!(hope so)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Maple Bleach [Opening 2]
Totally liked this video. =D
LOL! Unbelievable!
When I checked my blog stats today, I found something incredible. Guess what is it...My Evan pictres gave me hundreds of view...Which it's the pictures that attracts the viewer. == So all I have to do is put loads of Maple Story pics to make my blog popilar. LOL
Chong Hwa
School arranged a trip to Chong Hwa (a private secondary school). Of course, I took part...because if we go we don't have to stay in the class. I'm lazy. = D It was fun, Chong Hwa is big, and of course, beautiful too. First, we sat in a classroom and listen to teacher. Of course not teaching, he's just telling us about the history of Chong Hwa. After that, we went to the canteen. The food was good. Then, we went to the library. Then the IT Room, there's Internet, woohoo I guess? After that we return to our school. BUT, CAMERA IS NOT ALLOWED SO NO PICTURES K?
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Happy yet sad day.
Today I have to say bye bye to Uncle Jimmy and his family. They're going back to US this midnight. Oh, I'll miss them. Hope next time I see them is in US instead of Malaysia.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Please help!
I need someone to teach me how to access to some Blog features like tabs, I just can't make another tab...Duh!
Friday, August 13, 2010
LOL at Teacher Ho...
He pwned his pants today. LOL! When he did a high jump and tried to open his leg, it was like CRACK and his pant is done.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
I'm back....Again....Maybe.
Back to blogging again...I'm always like this, I stop it then continue it weeks later, then stop it again...Don't get mad if you're following my Blog, this is my style.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The dota gang that went wrong. Really wrong.
This is what happens when you're lower level and try to hunt down a high level.
Can you see my countdown????
Ooohhhh.............. It's five day before my BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! I'm so so so so so damn excited!!!!
I wish my parent would get me something special this year.
It has been removed.
Storytelling Competition.
Today is my last year of storytelling competition in primary school.(and also my first year) It wasn't scaring at all, but I am sweating cold. The judges said that I didn't do that good, there's no one to fault. I have no experience on storytelling anyway. I just wanted to try and see how good can I do on the stage. Well nevermind, it passed already.
Monday, May 31, 2010
It sucks
Y'know what happened today? I was quite excited to play Garena when mommy wanted me to stay at granny house for a whole afternoon, and totally no computer. When I reached home, all the damned Garena gave me is SERVER crashed. Nooby Garena.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Human MULAN?
Recently, I've been watching a lot of movies. Now is currently watching Mulan. Originally a cartoon made by Disney Inc. Now Mulan has a human version.
Finished watching Kick-Ass and Valentine's Day. Woo hoo!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
I'm getting started with Kick-Ass. I downloaded in my laptop and I don't have to go cinema for this movie!
One-of-a-kind activity.
Actually I don't go outdoor unless my mom forced me to. (sometimes she'll scold me to) Even sports I liked are also indoor.
Today, mom forced me to wake up at 7:00 a.m., that's not what I do every Saturday unless I wanna play computer. Then, we went to Titiwangsa park to cycle my bike, but I don't like cycling!!! Cycling is the worst sport, 'cause the stupid bike scratched my leg several time. I swear someday I'm gonna to get rid of the bike. And I'll be bike-free. Yay!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Valentine's Day
I started watching Valentine's Day...It's quite mature, there is some verse that I can't understand...
Today I tried the newly designed class in Maple Story: EVAN!!! Let's give him a big clap. *applause* *applause* Okay, please don't say that I'm childish 'cause I still play Maple Story, even Liang Wei does. I'm now playing in Malaysia gateway Hercules server. Character name: ClockTurns13
Here's some picture:

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Please do see!
I will not tick any "REACTIONS", 'cause I'm the one who wrote it so I know how I feel myself.
Dripping Teardrops...
Thursday afternoon...what a rainy afternoon. I can feel sorrow in the rain. Even the sky...is crying with me.
Hey guysssss!!!!!! I'm back! The Aldious Ace!!! I suddenly feel like blogging again, weird eh?
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